Delta Chapter Officers (as of April 21st, 2014)

President: James Hui

Vice President: Josue Nunez

Treasurer: Tom Stellmach

Rush/Social Chair: David Allen

Fundraising Chair: Zaid Almasarweh

Recording Secretary: Alex Fortin

Corresponding Secretary: Chris Lobo

Associate Educator: Adam Oddo

Historian: Howard Randolph 

Webmaster: Chris Leclerc

Master of Rituals: James Pattison

Warden: Alex Fortin

Chaplin: Nathan Delaney


And a Congratulations to James Pattison for receiving our Member of the Year Award for the 2013-14 School Year!

Quote by Russell E. Lawrence

"All the worthwhile and precious things in life are only obtainable through continous and exacting efforts. Their worth is in direct proportion to the amount of effort put forth for their obtainment."

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